Event Details

Distance: 64km (870m elevation)

Start Time: 7:45am  Ride Date: 2026 DATES TBC

Price: TBC ($10 discount before Dec 31st)

Riders can take advantage of the Lakeside location to have a refreshing swim when they finish

Registrations now open

Strava Map

Map Downloads: To export GPX and TCX files, open Strava Hyperlink on map above, and Log in to Strava

Start Location: Ebden Reserve, Murray Valley Hwy, Ebden, Victoria

Bib Collection

TBC – 5.00 pm to 7.00 pm, QE II Square , ALBURY, 

TBC – 6.00 pm to 8.00 pm, The Cube, WODONGA , or

Ride Day, 30 minutes before the START of  YOUR ride

Ride Description

This is a road ride with bite! It will feel more than the 64 km.

The 2024 route boasts two serious climbs, Bryants Gap and now also Huon Gap, so you will have earnt that splash in Lake Hume at the finish line! Magnificent views across picturesque North East Victoria, cruisy sweeping bends, and Lake Hume glistening in the background, ensures this ride will be one to remember! Away from traffic on predominantly country roads with a little bit of dirt to keep you on your toes, this ride has it all.

The ride takes off from Ebden Reserve (red star on map) along the Rail Trail and then turns left on to Mahers Rd to head for Tangambalanga (the Home of Kiewa Milk). Taking you through lush dairy country and alongside steep hills, roll into “Tangam” and turn left at the Sports grounds/swimming pool complex. Public toilets are available here.

Continue along Lockhart’s Gap Rd to the small settlement of Sandy Creek. Here, take a break with your fellow riders at the Rider Reviver at the Lockhart’s Gap Rd/ Bryants Gap Rd intersection (25 km mark, blue circle on map).

After recharging and a chat, …now the leg work really starts! Turn left at Bryants Gap Rd and climb up to the highest point of the ride (312 m).  The views will be worth it. Enjoy the wind in your face as you descend to the Murray Valley Hwy and turn left, skirting the Lake Hume foreshore back over the Lake Hume/Sandy Creek inlet causeway.

Ready for a second climb? Turn left off the Murray Valley Hwy at Huon Rd for a good short grind up Huon Gap (7-11 % grade). Just over the crest turn right at the Coulston Rd intersection.

With the finish line in sight, test yourself on the short 1 km downhill stretch of graded unsealed road to link to Mahers Rd again, then back home to ride through the finish arch knowing you’ve just had a great ride!

Nothing left to do but park your bike and enjoy a free soft drink and sausage sandwich, with cool off in Lake Hume if you choose!

Recommended bike:     Road bike, non racing tyres probably assist for the 1 km of formed dirt road.